Mysterious Cephalopod of the Sea
I found this gem while cleaning out my bookmarks folder (click on photo to enter site). I can't remember where I got it from, most likely either Cephalopodcast or Deep Sea News.
This is a nice informative site about the giant squid, from the education company Scholastic, that teaches students about how science is done by 4 methods:
1) Research - assembling many "tiny clues" and gathering hard evidence (i.e. capture squid on film)
2) Compare - understand processes of the giant squid by understanding closely related, but easier to access species of squid
3) Observe - clues can be attained from studying the anatomy of the squid, even those in preservation.
4) Examine - how does studying giant squid today help us understand fossil squid?
An excellent site that can be easily used to as a lesson in how science is done while capturing students interests in something in fascinating as the deep sea and the giant squid!
Might have been me. Might have been DSN.