Tangled Bank #105
The Beagle ProjectThe latest and greatest edition of The Tangled Bank is at the blog of my favorite marine project, The Beagle Project. Karen James and Peter McGrath collaborate yet again to bring a collection of biology and evolution related posts collected from submissions from the last two weeks. Actually, this version has something I haven't seen for a while, a discussion on abiogenesis, from Larry Moran.
More relevant to The Other 95% is a post at Science Made Cool, on parasitic anemone. The bastards, in their larval stage, steal food from ctenophores. (I would link to the post directly, but I really want our readers to go to The Beagle Project and read the entire Tangled Bank.)
And buy a T-Shirt from them while you are there.
Ta Mike. I was worried that there might not be enough inverterbratology in, and that you, Kevin and Eric might appear like Charlton Heston in a biblical epic to issue foaming denunciations.