Coral Larvae Ph.D.

If this is your idea of an extremely cute baby picture? Then this position announcement is probably for you!
The Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology in Bremen, Germany may have just the opening for you. They have posted an opening for a Ph.D. student to study and quantify the effects of benthic algae on coral recovery and related issues. The work will involve a lot of lab and field experiments, including rough field locations in the tropics and horribly boring tropical reef diving with 10-30 meter visibility. (What is the point of that?!)

Note this is my interpretation of tropical reef diving from Roatan, Honduras. This may not match the Leibniz Center interpretation. Caveat emptor and all that.
They're looking for a recent recipient of a Masters or Diploma degree in marine sciences, preferably with experience in coral reef ecology or marine botany, that has tropical fieldwork and scientific diving experience. English communication is a must, as is the ability to work independently in an interdisciplinary research environment.
Applications are being accepted through March 31st. You know the routine: cover letter with research interests & experience, complete CV, and the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of two referees. Submit it all as a single pdf file to maggy (dot) nugues (at) zmt-bremen (dot) de.
That would be completely rad if I were a marine biologist.
ReplyDeleteAnd if I had the proper inner ear structure to dive :(