Nature Blog Network

Monday, October 8, 2007

1st International Conference on Invertebrate Morphology

Mark your calenders invertebrate zoologists! Its the first ever Conference on Invertebrate Morphology. I doubt I'll be able to go since I am already planning on attending 3 conferences between January and April alone. So if the organizers are willing to pay my way, I can present a paper on shrimp or anemone morphology! It seemes like it will be an interesting conference though and encourage my European readers and invertebrate zoologists to attend and present there. It is August 17-21 in Copenhagen with excursions to Hamlet's castle, Roskilde Cathedral and the Viking Ship Museum. Here is the line up for plenary speakers:

Rick Harrison (Sylva, NC, USA): The Golden Age of Morphology and Introduction to “International Society for Invertebrate Morphology”

Gerhard Scholtz (Humboldt Univ., Berlin, Germany): Embryology and homology

Peter Holland (Univ. Oxford, UK): Genomes and development

Mark Martindale (Univ. Hawaii, HI, USA): The developmental basis for metazoan body plan evolution


  1. If it were in the U.S., I'd consider going, although from the subsjects of plenary talks I get the impression that it will be mostly about evo-devo stuff.

  2. Yeah I thought so too, but several of the Symposia sound very interesting. A and D especially interest me and I would probbably go to several talks in E as well.

    (A ) Invertebrates as the stem group of vertebrates. Keynote speaker: Thurston Lacalli (Univ.
    Victoria, BC, Canada)
    (C) Invertebrate nervous systems. Keynote speaker: Ian Meinertzhagen (Dalhousie Univ., Halifax,
    (D) Combining morphology and molecules in the study of evolution. Keynote speaker: Gonzalo
    Giribet (Harvard Univ., MA, USA)
    (E) Palaeomorphology. Keynote speaker: Greg Edgecombe (The Natural History Museum, London,
    (F) Spiralian development. Keynote speaker: Claus Nielsen (Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark)
    (G) Neurophylogeny. Minisymposium organised by Steffen Harzsch (Max Planck Institute for
    Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany)


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